A More Consistent Me! Challenge

3 Month Consistency Challenge inside the T.R.I.B.E.® Membership!

Starts January 1, 2024!

Over the last year, our members have enjoyed participating in our various accountability and consistency programs—and we are so excited to share that we have a LOT in store for 2024!

In the new year, we will be hosting consistency and accountability programs throughout the year. While the themes of these programs are similar to last years, they are new and improved with more workshops, more live events, more resources, and more tools to keep you consistent and accountable in your routine! So if you participated in last year's program, just know that this year's program is EVEN BETTER!

As a refresher, here's some of what we covered last year and what we'll build upon this year:

  • Avoid the all or nothing thinking surrounding the New Year, keeping you from falling victim to the impending fad diets that always come this time of year. 
  • Get back on track if you’ve fallen off the wagon by helping you stay consistent by teaching you sustainable and healthy habits backed by evidence based nutrition recommendations.
  • Hit your goals in the New Year by holding yourself accountable, so you can: hit your weight loss goals, start losing any regain you’ve been struggling with, and make sure you aren’t going back to old habits after surgery and truly making this a LIFESTYLE!

Want to know the COOLEST part about this new T.R.I.B.E.® Challenge?

It will be available to anyone who joins the T.R.I.B.E.®!!! YES you heard that right!!!!

As long as you are a T.R.I.B.E.® Member you will have access to join in on this program!

I will NOT be charging you anything additional to be a part of this program.

What's Included:

  • Step by step instructions on videos and materials to go through with checklists to keep on track
  • Monthly workshops held by our T.R.I.B.E.® Lead Registered Dietitian. Topics of these workshops will include:
    • Mindset, Goal Setting, and Progress > Perfection
    • Decision Making & Routine Building
    • Building your bariatric plate to meet your goals
    • Balance and Mindfulness,
    • Keeping Habits for the Long Haul
    • AND MORE!
  • Get the challenge workbook filled with journal prompts, guides, and progress trackers that you will customize to your goals (don’t worry! I’ll be helping you create your goals during our workshops).
If you’re willing to put in the time and the effort...

there is no way you won’t see progress by participating in this program.

The goal is to stay consistent and create lifelong habits. And while I cannot promise weight loss, I can promise to support you in hitting your goals.

Join the T.R.I.B.E. Here, Babe!