The Bariatric

Breakthrough Basics

Accountability Group Coaching Program

Hey Babes! I’m so glad you’re here! The Bariatric Breakthrough Approach is my signature method I use with all my clients. In my newest 8 week group coaching program I will be teaching you everything you need to know to have epic breakthroughs and I’ll be guiding you every step of the way!

8 Week Group Coaching with Jamie + 12 month T.R.I.B.E. Access

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As bariatric patients, we hear all these conflicting things, right?

"Don’t go over 1000 calories per day"
"You can’t ever have the foods or drinks you love again."
"You need to eat low carb forever."
"You can never live a 'normal' life post op."


There’s so much misinformation out there. And it kills me to know you are sitting here, beating yourself up, and feeling like a “failure” because you just can’t seem to get it “right.”

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

You get up each morning, determined to stick to your diet or your calorie goals. You pack your food for the day and head out the door with your protein coffee in one hand and your meal prep in the other. You try so hard to stick to your protein goal and be “good” all day. But as soon as you get home you’re rummaging through the cabinets, grabbing for the snacks and feeling completely out of control. You beat yourself up “Ugh! Why did I ruin all my hard work again?!” And that guilt and shame stays with you all evening and the late night snacking gets to the best of you. You go to bed angry and frustrated with yourself. Why can’t you just have more self control? You promise yourself tomorrow will be better. And the cycle continues.

Babe, what if I told you that the reason you can’t stick to your routine isn’t because YOU are doing something wrong, but that the ROUTINE is the problem?

Imagine if you could:

  • Eat well-balanced meals that keep you full AND satisfied without restricting the foods you love.
  • Live a life that isn’t centered around counting macros or numbers.
  • Improve your relationship with food so you never feel guilty about anything you eat.
  • Let go of the guilt you feel every day when you aren’t “perfect” with your eating.
  • Create epic, long-lasting changes in your habits so you can keep the weight off long term.

The thing is you can. And I’m going to help you make it happen.

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What you receive when you join

The Bariatric Breakthrough Basics: Accountability Group Coaching Program

8 weeks of recorded 90 - Minute Large Group Coaching Calls
Step - by - step weekly lessons teaching you exactly how to eat and how to get out of the “all or nothing” mentality after WLS
Year long T.R.I.B.E. Membership Access
The Bariatric Breakthrough Basics Ebook complete with step - by - step lessons, prompts, and a years worth of accountability trackers and to do lists to keep you consistent for the WHOLE YEAR
private community group channel access
Payment Options


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As low as $172.79/month

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You have multiple options for how to pay for your coaching services which includes credit or debit cards and installment loans. For your convenience, we are making AfterPay available to you.AfterPay allows clients to pay for services over time in fixed amounts without deferred interest, hidden fees, or penalties.  The Sleeved Dietitian, LLC does not have a financial relationship withAfterPay, nor do we receive any compensation for providing you with this information. You must carefully consider your ability to repay before taking any loan. If you are interested in learning more, you can begin your loan application withAfterPay below. It is quick and secure, and you'll get a real-time decision.

By purchasing, you agree to the Terms & Conditions outlined at

How It Will Work

Starting on October 22nd through December 10th every week on Tuesdays from 12-1:30pm EST we will meet as a large group for 90 minutes. During the first 30 minutes of the call I will be teaching a piece of my Bariatric Breakthrough Method and breaking it down for you. The remaining 60 minutes will be dedicated to coaching, goal planning, and asking questions.

What will these lessons look like?

Week #1

October 22

Your Why & Managing Your Mindset

Week #2

October 29

The Meal Plate Method Overview & Portions

Week #3

November 5

Maximizing Your Restriction

Week #4

November 12

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Carbs or Fats

Week #5

November 19

Tackling Snacking

Week #6

November 26

Mindful Movement

Week #7

December 3

Water, Vitamins, and the Do's & Don'ts

Week #8

December 10

Continuing with Success Throughout the Year


Meet Chelsea Bernardez, MS, RDN, CDN

Chelsea is a Registered Dietitian who has had WLS! She specializes in women's thyroid and hormone health as well as bariatric care. Her main goal is to help you make your WLS journey as easy, realistic, and simple as possible, all while hitting your goals and enjoying the heck out of life. 

Chelsea had VSG surgery about a year and a half after giving birth to her beautiful daughter. She struggled with her weight her whole life. After giving birth, her autoimmune diseases and hormones were all out of whack and no matter what she did, she kept gaining weight despite doing everything ‘right’. She decided it was time to take matters into her own hands and get the help she needed and deserved to be the best version of herself. 

She firmly believes you deserve to learn your body, heal, and eat good food on this journey. She is so happy to be here helping you feel your best!

You also have the option to schedule 1:1 individual sessions with Chelsea! Add-on options for 1:1 sessions are available at check out.

The Bariatric Breakthrough Basics: Accountability Group Coaching Program is a large group coaching program.

What's the difference?

Small Group Coaching:

  • 5-6 people in the group 
  • Individual round table style coaching 
  • Dietitian lead teachings and discussions 
  • Accountability and support from both myself and other members 
  • Higher level investment

Large Group Coaching:

  • 25+ people in the group 
  • Group coaching where you can ask individual questions and get feedback
  • Dietitian lead teachings and discussions
  • Accountability and support from both myself and other members 
  • Moderate level investment 
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Who is a good fit for the program?

Anyone on their bariatric journey who is looking for both the support of a Registered Dietitian and a group for support and guidance. This program is wonderful for anyone who is pre-op, newly post op, or even years out or struggling with regain. No matter where you are in your journey the basics are KEY!

Who is NOT a good fit for the program?

Anyone who is not willing to put in the work and prioritize their goals during this program. Anyone who does not want to be in a group setting. Anyone who is not on a bariatric journey.

what others are saying

our commitment is To create the most inclusive space in the WLS community

From "emotional binge eater" to "mastering maintenance with ease".

"After learning the bariatric basics my anxiety with food is totally gone. I’m an emotional binge eater, but through using Jamie's Bariatric Breakthrough Meal Plate Method I’ve been able to take the power away from food. Using this tool, I learned new coping mechanisms and realized that there are no “good” or “bad” foods.”


From "extreme anxiety" to "losing 30+lbs of regain without counting calories."

"The bariatric basics, along with the Bariatric BreakthroughMeal Plate Method, truly saved my life. I finally stoped comparing myself to others and started practicing daily self-care to manage my extreme anxiety. I'm proud to say using this approach I've maintained 30lbs of regain I lost for almost 2 years now without ever having to count one single calorie. ”


"The guidance through the aspects of the bariatric experience, along with the community style support were invaluable to me. I was able to see that not only was I not alone in my struggles, but that I was being unnecessarily hard on myself. The mindset work that is built within the program truly gave the perspective I needed to grow in many aspects of my life. ”

Judi Jin

"This program helped me realize why mindset work is just as (if not more) important than the calories I consume. The mindset work is what sets us up for long term success and gives us the tools to find other coping mechanisms than food (which was previously the answer for all of my emotional issues). Jamie provided an outline for how to continue the goal-setting and mindset work that the program had laid the foundation for. The ongoing support that I receive from Jamie and the other T.R.I.B.E. leaders and members has been one of the best parts of my life.”

Ashley King

"My biggest takeaway from the program is the importance of consistency without perfection. I am able to be present with my family, at work, in my religious services, and with my food. I’m more accepting of myself and of others. And to top it all off, I also lost weight.”

Ann Panchik

From "perfectionist" to "I am worthy and I am enough."

"Jamie’s group coaching class has taught me about being consistent, that progress is more important over perfection, that having a B- mindset and “half-assing” it is better than “no-assing” it. Her approach has changed my all or nothing mindset. My biggest win or epiphany...on mindset work [is] that I am worthy just as I am. If I never [lose] another pound on this journey, I am worthy and I am enough. This gave me the freedom I needed to work on getting out of the perfectionist all or nothing mentality. If you are considering joining this program, don’t even waste another second thinking about it, just do it!”

Alyssa Gomez

From "goal-averse" to "prepared for the road ahead."

"Fear of failure has very often kept me from even creating goals in the first place. Through the program, I was able to create small incremental goals and [break] down what action steps would be needed to reach those goals. It was very helpful and made me feel less “goal averse.” I was able to build up my toolbox to ensure I was prepared for the road ahead and set myself up for long term success...You are worth the investment!”

Sara Sylvester

If you’re already in

If you are already in the T.R.I.B.E. your year long T.R.I.B.E. access will begin at the end of your current renewal period. For example: if your current membership is due to renew on December 30, 2024, that date will be the start of your year long access which means you will have ongoing access until December 30, 2025! In this accountability group coaching program we will be going of the same methods available in the T.R.I.B.E. However, in this group coaching program you will have ongoing accountability with sticking to the goals you set and you will have structure with how to continue using the membership for the next year!


Normally the T.R.I.B.E. is $99/month, or $1,188/year.

This program is $1,997 for the 8 weeks of coaching and year long T.R.I.B.E. access.

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